I have been tidying up in the studio, putting away sea change and then picking through boxes of randomness that were sent through from the living room in order to make space. A couple of cat-astrophes
made them even more random, boxes of yarn balls don’t improve from somersaults and cat cuddles… It turned into a very enjoyable process as I had my eyes open for snippets to use in the next set of components for cradle…and treasure was there for the taking, a big bag of ‘rags’, quilt trimmings, the seams and other small waste from reducing a garment to fabric again, threads and yarn snippets from making machine cords…
So this is what I have made today, a dozen bundle bases which will be embellished in what, to me, is a mixture of kintsugi (making broken ceramics whole again by using a gold powder in resin glue) and boro (randomly pieced repairs), so expect some fiddley-diddley work! I’m thinking beads, buttons, wisps of thread, lovely frayed edges of taffeta, tiny inflections of colour from machine cord remnants, things it will be a pleasure to hold in your hand…there may be feathers and twigs, I’d like to use dried leaves too, but then I’d like to keep the option open that I could show this outside, it was so satisfying seeing the freeform crochet in the tree at the Meadows.
It was gorgeously sunny and hot over the Bank Holiday weekend, but two days of cold rain and my hands and knees aaaaache…even with the anti-inflammatories and painkillers, I need a distraction! And playing with buttons and bits of ‘tickytacky’ is very good for that